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RetroFlag Pi-Case Safe Shutdown

Turn switch "SAFE SHUTDOWN" to ON.

Example for RetroPie:

Make sure internet connected.
Make sure keyboard connected.
Press F4 enter terminal.
In the terminal, type the one-line command below(Case sensitive):
wget -O - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RetroFlag/retroflag-picase/master/install.sh" | sudo bash

Example for RecalBox:

Make sure internet connected.
Make sure keyboard connected.
Press F4 first. And then press ALT-F2 enter terminal.
User: root Password: recalboxroot
In the terminal, type the one-line command below(Case sensitive):
wget -O - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RetroFlag/retroflag-picase/master/recalbox_install.sh" | bash
